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Shoreham College offers a range of scholarships.

In Year 6, the Assistant Principal (Juniors), and their team nominate the pupils who will be eligible to apply for a scholarship. These pupils may then begin the application process.

External applicants for any of our scholarships should take advice from their current head teacher, who should endorse any application in writing by way of a formal reference. Please email applications and references to [email protected], or submit them by post to the Principal of Shoreham College, Shoreham College, St Julian’s Lane, Shoreham by Sea, West Sussex, BN43 6YW.

The following scholarships are available every year for Year 6 pupils:

  • Arts scholarships (music, drama and art) offered to up to two scholars who are exceptional in two or more disciplines;
  • Sports scholarships offered to up to two scholars who are highly proficient in at least two Shoreham College sports;
  • Academic scholarships offered to up to three scholars who demonstrate significant potential at GCSE and beyond, scoring at least 120 in two or more standardised tests (usually verbal reasoning and non verbal reasoning) and with an excellent performance in English, mathematics and science testing (usually to A or A* standard);
  • All-rounder scholarships offered to up to two pupils who show leadership, proficiency in sport, music, drama, and academic promise.


Art scholars tend to be those who are recognised as exceptional performers or artists (or both). They are children who truly excel as dramatists, singers, performers, painters, or musicians. Their work across more than one area is outstanding.

Sport scholars are usually young people who are exceptional in several sports and play at a high level of club sport, or in county squads, and often hold captaincies and similar positions.

Academic scholars are children performing in the top 10% of a year group. They are likely to have been recognised early on in their school careers as someone who might go on to study A-levels and potentially attend a Russell Group university.

All-rounders are those who are genuinely good at a wide range of disciplines and who show real leadership potential. They may have held positions of responsibility in their current schools, such as form captain or prefect.

How to Apply

All candidates who have been officially selected receive an application pack which explains the scholarship processes.

The deadline for receipt of the full scholarship application form and supporting evidence, for all types of scholarship, varies from year to year (normally falling in the Lent term). Please contact the school for details.

The results and interviews are considered by the Principal, working in conjunction with the General Manager (Clerk to the Governors) and the Chair of the Finance and General Purposes Committee. Parents will be notified of the outcome of the candidates’ applications within two weeks of the close of the application process.

For further details, please refer to our Registrar, Mrs Hall, who can be contacted on 01273 592681 or [email protected].